Eka Experiences


Gurez Valley Tour Experience: Kashmir's Unexplored Gem near the Indo-Pak Border

Kashmir Winter Trip: A White Vale Odyssey

KASHMIR: Postcards from the Paradise

Autumn kashmir Tour - Kashmir Places to visit

Kashmir Autumn Tour (Coming Soon)

Kashmir EXperiences: CUrated and Personalized

Kashmir is a land of unimaginable beauty that still reigns supreme in the world of tourism. It is an extraordinary slice of paradise and arguably the prettiest region of India. With its unparalleled natural vistas, postcard-perfect scenes and fairytale-like settings at every corner, the valley is truly a paradise on earth.

The crown of Incredible India, Kashmir places to visit are renowned for its stunning meadows, lovely pine forests, towering mountain landscapes and the world-famous Ski slopes. Moreover, the land’s cultural heritage, storied history, the Kashmiri culture and the delicious local cuisine are bound to make you fall in love with the place. 

There are many famous places to visit in Kashmir but there are also many more lesser-known locales and offbeat places to visit in Kashmir. These uncommon places that still need to be explored offer solitude and tranquility away from the crowds. With several alluring places, Kashmir places to visit have always been the top choice for many filmmakers and photographers. From the famous Dal lake’s shikara rides and houseboat stay to trekking on the meadows of Gadsar and Kanimarg; from visiting the royal Mughal Gardens of Srinagar and Achabal to camping by the Nundhkul lake at the foot of Mount Harmukh; there is a vast range of many such fantastic experiences a traveller can have in this magical land. 

Our handcrafted tours go beyond the popular Kashmir places to visit. We recognize that there is a lesser-explored world outside the typical famous places like Srinagar, Gulmarg, Sonamarg and Pahalgam. On our curated journeys to Kashmir, along with these trendy spots, we also include some of the lesser-known and unexplored gems like Gurez Valley, Aharbal, Tulian Lake, Doodhpathri, Aru Valley and many more. Kashmir tours are designed to give you a unseen glimpse of the real Kashmir beyond the touristy scenes.